The following chart includes the year to date totals for 2017 from the U.S. Mint as of 5pm on May 11th.
The chart also shows the change in sales from 5/4/2017 which we reported on May 5th.
Coin | Sales in oz. /#coins | + from 5/4/2017 |
One oz. |
129,500 129,500 |
500 500 |
Half oz. |
13,000 26,000 |
500 500 |
Quarter oz. |
11,500 46,000 |
000 |
Tenth oz. |
22,000 220,000 |
1,000 10,000 |
Total |
176,000 421,500 |
2,000 11,500 |
Coin | Sales in oz. /#coins | + from 5/4/2017 |
One oz. |
9,772,500 9,772,500 |
450,000 450,000 |