The FizTrade mobile app puts the power of Dillon Gage’s award-winning Physical Precious Metals Trading platform in the hands of iPhone users with 24-hour trading, up-to-the-minute order status updates, real-time bid/ask pricing and management of the fulfillment process.
Fiztrade Mobile is the fastest and most efficient way for Dillon Gage customers to place trades, track orders, and receive shipment notifications in real time; no matter where they are in the world.

Additional features have been added to FizTrade Mobile app’s robust platform to include:
- Pop-up notifications when orders are processed, shipped and when purchase orders are received
- iPad-compatible navigation
- Seamless checkout
Coming soon:
- Pop-up notifications when orders have been released to the fulfilment warehouse
- Purchase Order notifications when buyback products have been received
- Ability to customize notifications and opt in or out of specific alerts